Exclusive Opportunity for Yoga Instructors: Elevate Your Practice in a Greek Island Sailboat Retreat

Organizing a yoga retreat on a sailboat in a beautiful Greek Island sounds like a great opportunity. Here's a detailed proposal:

Overview: We are excited to present an exclusive yoga retreat experience set against the backdrop of the stunning Greek Ionian Islands. Our sailboat, equipped with all amenities, will serve as the base for the retreat. The retreat combines the serenity of sailing, the beauty of ancient Greek sites, and the practice of yoga to offer an unforgettable experience.

What We Offer:

  • Accommodation: A fully-equipped sailboat with three cabins and a spacious living room.
  • Transportation by sailing of course: Sailing excursions to different locations each day for yoga sessions and exploration, hiking.
  • Cuisine: Homemade-style cooking with customizable options including vegetarian and vegan meals.
  • Additional Activities:
    • Massage therapist available on demand.
    • Fresh pasta cooking class during the stay.
    • Yoga mats provided so you don't need to check luggage.

What You Offer:

  • Yoga Classes: Two or three classes a day conducted by you.
  • Guest Involvement: Bring your own students to our sailboat for an intimate experience.

Financials: You stand to benefit financially, earning a 10% commission from the sailboat price per participant, plus a fixed fee for the retreat itself that you can create.

  • Pricing: Lets say the 5-day retreat is priced at EUR 1500 and we have four guests.
  • Commission: You receive 10% commission from the sailing boat price, totaling EUR 125 per passenger. Additionally, you earn EUR 1000 from your retreat fee.
  • Total Earnings: With four students, you can make EUR 500 (boat commission) + EUR 1000 (retreat fee) = EUR 1500, plus a complimentary sailing experience and meals aboard. Of course you can charge more or less from your guests and you will decide how much money you will make.

Additional Opportunities:

  • Back-to-back Retreats: If there's more interest, we can organize two back-to-back retreats with a two-day break in between for rest and preparation.
  • Extended Stay: During the break, you are welcome to stay with us on the sailboat for free.

Retreat Itinerary:

  • Meeting Point: Guests will meet in Corfu downtown.
  • Sailing Schedule: Daily sailing to different locations for morning and sunset/evening yoga sessions.
  • Accommodation: Guests will have two cabins, and you, as the organizer, will stay in a cabin as well, we, the boat guys will stay in the main room.

Pricing Options:

  • 5-day retreat for two people: EUR 1600 per guest (single cabin).
  • 5-day retreat for three people: EUR 1350 per guest (two sharing, one single).
  • 5-day retreat for four people: EUR 1250 per guest (all sharing).
  • 4-day retreat options also available.

We believe this retreat offers a unique experience, combining the tranquility of sailing, the beauty of Greek landscapes, and the practice of yoga. We are confident that our collaboration will create an unforgettable journey for all participants and for us.

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